uwe nicholas framenau
in most cases, links will bring you either to a video, additional photographic or written references or press reviews and releases.
2013-2016 i have worked in different positions part-time within cultural and educational institutions in berlin: werkstatt der kulturen (artist support), puppentheater museum berlin (graphic design, translation and proof reading for catalogues and publications), young arts neukölln (supervision of creative workshops with immigrant, local children and teenagers), kulturnetzwerk neukölln (planning and realisation of annual exhibition "48h neukölln" 2015 and 2016
2016 costumes / special scenery and props for
2016 best short fiction film, mumbai international film festival
2016 best screen choreography up to 15min., dance screen festival
2013 set and costume design for
2010-2012 part-time art teacher/assistant creative education for
liebig schule gesamtschule, gropiusstadt, berlin
2010 manager and artistic director of
2007 visual merchandise design for special retail zones "lokalkolorit" for pimkie flagshipstores berlin, munich and stuttgart
2005 to present founder of "Blue-i-Berlin" agency for artistic design
focussing on graphic design and illustration for the music scene.
2005-2006 managing director and founder of "galerie v. eichenau"
curator of the exhibition
2003-2005 resident head of costumes and props at
theaterhaus mitte, koppenplatz, berlin
productions among others, costumes and set for
2004/2005 costume designs for
"guards! guards!" by terry pratchett, adapted by stephen briggs. directed by stefana ehlert, HUBub english players, humboldt universität, berlin, 2005
set and location for
die 43-jährige maren hat ihr leben gut im griff und kann ihrem lebensgefährten jürgen und dessen tochter saskia bei der lösung diverser konflikte zur seite stehen. das ändert sich, als maren sich in saskias griechischen freund angelos verliebt und alle beteiligten sich von einer neuen seite zeigen.
Internationales Festival der Filmhochschulen München 1999: PRO 7-Preis
Studio Hamburg Nachwuchspreis 1999: 2. Preis
Deutscher Fernsehpreis 1999: Förderpreis
set design and styling for
set design for
set design for short film
1998 set and costume design for music video
1998 set and costume design for music video
1998 costume design for
1996 assistant and simultaneous interpreter for
1997 production design for
i designed the largest set ever built for a student production in germany.
"fantastic and surreal voyage through a dark and impressive universe. this short actually captures a world that is in our fears: when the mute hero of the story falls in front of the subway, he discovers that there is a world underground where anything can happen. he soon realizes that there are different forces fighting for his soul in this world."
andre insolite
elche international independent film festival 1998
best direction
best musical score, fernsehfilmfestival baden-baden.
1995 costume design for
1994-1997 resident costume and set designer for
1995 costume design for
set and costume design for
time out award for best fringe production, 1994.
1994 costume design for short film
…this is the entertaining tale of a woman who has an affair with a garage mechanic when she takes her family’s car to the auto-wash. lightly comic and entertaining, it’s a far more enjoyable piece than negri’s second film tonight. time out, september 1994
1991-1994 central st martins college of art and design, london
bachelor of arts with honours theatre design-best of year
with stefanos lazaridis and sue willmington
with tanya mccallin and sue blane